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Jassim’s charitable assistance to needy families inside Qatar exceeded two million riyals during September

Doha, October 2, 2017 / Based on its responsibilities towards Qatari society and in dedication to its slogan: Health and Education for a Better Life, The Jassim and Hamad bin Jassim Charitable Foundation provided various social assistance within Qatar. Its value amounted to 2,310,370 Qatari riyals during last September. It included in-kind and cash assistance to support needy and needy families. and pay off debts, and payment of tuition fees, In addition to health aid.

Memorandum of Understanding

During its meetings, the Foundation’s Executive Committee approved the value of the aid. فقد أقرت اللجنة التنفيذية للمؤسسة خلال اجتماعاتها قيمة المساعدات، To supply Pakistani school furniture in Qatar, The institution is building a group of additional classrooms, and offices for administrators and supervisors, In addition to educational laboratories, And meeting rooms at the center, Which is based in the Abu Hamour area, This aid is provided separately from the memorandum of understanding signed by the Jassim and Hamad bin Jassim Charitable Foundation with the Pakistani Educational Center. Which provides for the provision of aid at a total cost estimated at more than 7 million Qatari riyals.

Various aid

The amount also included financial and in-kind assistance amounting to 147,500 Qatari riyals. And paying tuition fees for all educational levels, up to university, at a cost of 130,000 Qatari riyals. While the value of fees for treating patients and incapable medical conditions and providing them with the necessary medicines and treatments amounted to 93,500 Qatari riyals. Adding an amount of 180,000 Qatari riyals provided by the Foundation in support of the “Aman Labor House” affiliated with the Community Police. And other assistance for the Garmin.

social solidarity

It is worth noting that the Jassim and Hamad bin Jassim Charitable Foundation has worked since its inception to achieve its mission of meeting the necessary needs of families in need to maintain their social and economic cohesion and stability. With its own resources to enhance social solidarity and contribute to achieving sustainable development by providing health and educational services of high quality and excellence through pioneering international cooperation.

The Foundation also gave the local community, An exceptional interest in providing many services to various components of Qatari society, It focuses its work on internal projects, charitable activities, financial and in-kind assistance, and supporting and developing health, educational, cultural and pedagogical activities, and social responsibility activities.

It is noteworthy that the work of the Jassim Charitable Foundation is carried out according to principles and standards that depend on collecting information about cases and studying the financial and social aspects of each case that applies for financial support. Or moral, which is represented by school expenses, paying the cost of renting a house, or providing health care according to the medical reports submitted, some of which require medical devices not covered by health insurance, which provides health services to citizens and residents alone, and then recommendations are submitted to the Executive Committee, attaching all the documents. related to the situation.